Face a difficult problem

Here we are. Which warehouse should I put in?

The distribution, with which the batch number, from which a library delivery?

Goods tracking, a batch number or manufacturer of goods quality problems, need to recall, how to track?

How to control inventory?

How to improve the operation efficiency, statistics the efficiency of warehouse staff and the amount of work done?

Software Overview

Intelligent warehouse management system is through the material management, warehousing operations, outbound operations, warehouse allocation, the existing functions such as management system, real-time inventory management and batch management and inventory tracking integrated use of materials, effective control and tracking of goods warehouse logistics enterprise, warehouse information management.

In light of the company's cloud provides a set of professional intelligent warehouse management system S-WMS6 for the enterprise, all-round, multi-dimensional inventory management functions, meet different demand for a variety of enterprise inventory management, realize dynamic motions and visual management, enhance the level of intelligent warehousing enterprise

Function module

  • My mission

    My task is the important application of the system performance, to help equipment workers reasonable arrangements for time, improve work efficiency

  • Basic Data

    Including warehouse, material, suppliers and so on

  • Label printing

    For cargo label and on-demand batch label printing, in order to realize the storage and lay a good foundation work

  • Material acceptance

    Carry out appearance and quality inspection for incoming material to avoid short material or bad material

  • Storage

    Scanning batch labels to achieve warehousing business, the system through checking the accuracy of material storage, accurate warehousing, to prevent abnormal occurrence

  • Material Application

    To warehouse business, the material department to fill in

  • Outbound

    Scan batch labels to achieve the outbound business, the system through checking the accuracy of the delivery of materials, accurate delivery of the library, to prevent abnormal occurrence

  • Transfer

    To achieve the transfer of goods, warehouse operations and record real-time turn by scanning the batch label

  • Inventory

    The existing warehouse inventory materials express accurate clearing inventory, ensure the consistence, gains or loss when automatically generate a single storage

  • Standing crop

    Material in library at real time

  • Report management

    The system is built with powerful reporting tools, which can customize the generated reports, and the system has a rich report for decision making

  • System Admin

    Account management, user permissions, backup and restore, form definition, external data sources, external interface, timer, workflow design, the design of the report.

Technical characteristics

1.This system adopts B/S structure;

2.Browser: IE6 and above;

3.Application middleware: Tomcat

4.JRE version: more than 1.6 versions

5.Operating system: windows, Linux, UNIX

6.Database: SQL, Server, ORACLE, DB2, MySql

Performance advantages

1.Multi warehouse management, whether enterprise warehouse center or third party material company, can set up a number of different warehouse management

2.Comprehensive inventory management, multi-dimensional warehouse management functions, can meet the different needs of different enterprises inventory management

3.The position of strategic grouping of goods classification, optimization of materials warehouse storage, reduce the demand to achieve optimal inventory replenishment.

4.Batch label management, to achieve the dynamic, dynamic, accounting, consistent; at the same time to facilitate the exception of retroactive recall

5.System real-time monitoring, any operation, the system provides a complete operation log, easy to view management